The World Trade Organization (WTO) serves as a venue and a tool for resolving issues brought on by the rise of trade disputes between parties. The European Union is challenging Indonesia at the WTO over a policy that forbids the export of nickel ore, which is one of the trade dispute issues. When the Indonesian government advanced a ban on nickel ore exports in 2019, the conflict between the European Union and Indonesia became even more intense. A normative legal research utilizing secondary data kinds is the research methodology adopted. According to the discussion that followed this study's findings, the WTO is charged with overseeing how disputes between the European Union and Indonesia are resolved. The Dispute Settlement Body's position in the present mechanism process because of WTO rules ties it from the beginning when the European Union sued Indonesia to the conclusion when the body issues a verdict. The first stage of dispute resolution runs from the request for EU discussions on November 22, 2019, to the publication and dissemination of the panel report on November 30, 2022, which marks the conclusion of the phase. The European Union ultimately prevails in this trade fight, while Indonesia suffers a setback. It has been established that Indonesia breached the WTO's prohibition on the export of nickel ore and that there are legitimate products there that do so.
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