• Hendry Dikson Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  • Yovinus Yovinus Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  • Lukman Munawar Fauzi Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Keywords: Role of the Government, Regional Government, Central Government, Revenue Sharing Funds, Financial Balance.


The Role of Regional Government in the Financial Balance of Oil and Gas Resource Revenue
Sharing Funds Based on Law Number 33 of 2004 in Riau Province” was raised because the role
of the Riau Province regional government is considered to be still not optimal in the financial
balance of oil and gas resource revenue sharing funds.
The theory used in this study is the theory regarding the role of government put forward by
Siagian (2000:142-150) with indicators including stabilizers, innovators, modernizers, and
pioneers. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection methods
including interviews, observations, and documentation, with the main informants being the Riau
Province Regional Revenue Agency Apparatus, the Energy and Mineral Resources Service
Apparatus, and the community related to oil and gas mining in the Riau Province.
Based on the results of this study, it was found that the contribution of PAD to the total
realization of regional income in Riau Province shows that regional independence in Riau
Province is included in the low category because the level of dependence of most regional
governments in Riau Province on funding from the central government is still relatively very
high. The Riau Provincial Government has requested access to find out the components of
deductions and other levies in the calculation of DBH Oil and Gas because the untimely
distribution of DBH is very inhibiting and the calculation of over- and under-channel is not yet
transparent. Fund transfers can be increased by the government when economic activation is
sluggish, while at other times when the economy is booming, fund transfers from the center to the
regions can be reduced or even eliminated, while in its implementation, the management of Oil
and Gas and the balance of DBH Oil and Gas have drawn protests from a group of people whose
existence feels unprotected by existing regulations. The Regional Representative Council and a
number of other important figures are seeking special autonomy proportionally to finance
development towards the welfare of its people related to the development budget for Riau
through a specific movement, namely the Riau Demands Movement.


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