This research aims to determine and analyze the influence of
supervision by the Food and Agriculture Security Service on the effectiveness
of sustainable food agricultural land conservation management in West
Bandung Regency. The research method uses explanatory research and a
survey method with a quantitative approach. Data collection methods were
carried out through literature studies and field studies, namely using
questionnaires to collect data related to research variables. The population
in this study were all individuals related to the sustainable agricultural land
conservation program in West Bandung Regency. The sampling technique
used Stratified Random Sampling with the determination of the sample size
based on Taro Yamane's formula, namely 165 respondents.
The research results obtained show: The results of the descriptive
analysis of the supervision variables of the Food Security and Agriculture
Service, based on the overall results of respondents' responses as measured
by 10 statement items, obtained a respondent achievement level value of
64.61%, where this value is included in the Poor category. The results of the
descriptive analysis of the effectiveness variable for food agricultural land
conservation management in West Bandung Regency, based on the overall
results of respondents' responses as measured by 8 statement items, obtained
a respondent achievement level of 59.29%, where this value was included in
the Poor category.
It is known that t count (8.833) > t table (1.65426), and t count in the
area of rejection of the Null Hypothesis (Ho) which states that there is no
influence of supervision by the Department of Food Security and Agriculture
on the effectiveness of conservation management of food agricultural land is
rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha ) namely that there is an
influence of supervision by the Department of Food Security and Agriculture
on the effectiveness of conservation management of agricultural land for
food. The coefficient of determination of the influence of supervision by the
Food Security and Agriculture Service on the effectiveness of conservation
management of food agricultural land in West Bandung Regency was
71.91%, while the remaining 28.09% was influenced by other factors not
included in this research. Supervision of the Food and Agriculture Security
Service has a positive and significant effect on the effectiveness of sustainable
food agricultural land conservation management in West Bandung Regency
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