This research is intended to examine the collaborative governance of the
Regional Government with Kodim 0508/Depok in the Synchronization of Regional
Planning in Depok City. The question asked relates to how collaborative governance of
the Regional Government with Kodim 0508/Depok is in synchronizing regional planning
in Depok City. The research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach.
Data collection techniques through library studies and field studies. Data analysis
techniques through field studies through interviews and observations. The sampling
technique was purposive sampling, with 3 informants, ASN Bappeda Depok City, Head
of the Depok City Spatial Planning and Settlement Service, and Dandim 0508/Depok.
The results of this research indicate that collaboration between the Regional
Government and Kodim 0508/Depok in synchronizing regional planning in Depok City
is the right step to achieve sustainable and coordinated development. By working
together, both parties can maximize the resources they have to improve the quality of life
of the people of Depok City as a whole. Therefore, it is important for the Regional
Government and Kodim 0508/Depok to continue to establish good and sustainable
collaboration in order to create a better Depok City in the future.
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