Social problems cannot be avoided in people's lives, especially those in urban areas,
namely the problem of violence against children. The Women's Empowerment Service for
Child Protection and Population Control and Family Planning in Cimahi City has the
task of carrying out regional government affairs in the field of child protection. Therefore,
the Women's Empowerment Service, Child Protection and Population Control and Family
Planning protects women and children. There are several factors that cause massive
violence against children, namely the lack of public knowledge regarding child protection
laws. Therefore, the Women's Empowerment Service for Child Protection and Population
Control and Family Planning has a role in reducing the massive level of violence against
children, namely providing integrated services and treatment for children who experience
violence; collaborate with relevant stakeholders, namely P2TP2A, Social Services, Family
Welfare Consultation Institute, and Legal Department. This role is carried out in an effort
to provide the best possible service for children affected by violence, this is inversely
proportional to their condition before integrated services were implemented. Protection of
Women and Children as a real effort to overcome the impacts of violence. Research from
the role of the Women's Empowerment Service for Child Protection and Population
Control and Family Planning in Cimahi City in protecting children from acts of violence
in Cimahi City refers to the opinion of Rasyid (2000:59). In this research the author used
a qualitative descriptive research type. Based on the research results, it can be concluded
that the Regional Government Policy in Protecting Children from Acts of Violence in
Cimahi City has been working quite well, although there needs to be some adjustments in
one of the indicators in the dynamic dimension.
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Perempuan Dan Anak Dari Tindak Kekerasan