• Lisdanur Ulfaida Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  • Lukman Munawar Fauzi Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  • Toto Kushartono Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Keywords: Collaborative Governance, Waste Management, Waste


The background is the phenomenon of problems in waste management at Pasar Antri Kota Cimahi in Collaborative Governance. The purpose of this study is to determine, describe and determine the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the implementation of Collaborative Governance in waste management at Pasar Antri Kota Cimahi. The method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques through literature studies, observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques through analysis after the field, analysis during the field, and analysis after the field with data collection stages can be done by observation, interviews, documentation, and a combination of the three based on the theory of collaboration according to Deseve (in Sudarmo, 2012: 106) including; 1) mutual trust between participants, 2) division of accountability, 3) sharing information. The results of the study can be concluded that Collaborative Governance in waste management at Pasar Antri Kota Cimahi shows that based on mutual trust between participants, namely trust in the government is still lacking because communication is not going well. Then in the division of accountability, it is running according to existing regulations, but it is not enough to make collaboration more effective, because only some stakeholders change their mindset. And sharing information, namely communication that is still lacking and there is a delay in information obtained by the community.


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Undang-Undang No.18 Tahun 2008 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah
Peraturan Daerah Kota Cimahi Nomor 06 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pengelolaan Sampah
How to Cite
Ulfaida, L., Fauzi, L. M., & Kushartono, T. (2024). COLLABORATIVE GOVERNANCE DALAM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH DI PASAR ANTRI KOTA CIMAHI. Jurnal Praxis Idealis : Jurnal Mahasiswa Ilmu Pemerintahan, 1(1).

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