• Diah Pudjiastuti International Women University


Evidence is very important in the process of seeking the truth in court. Where the written evidence presented before the court has a very close relationship with the action in question. So that the evidence presented can determine whether the arguments of a lawsuit are proven or not. In principle, the strength of written evidence lies in written evidence in the form of an authentic deed, meaning that as long as the photocopy used as evidence in court is similar to the original, then the evidence can be trusted. However, if the evidence submitted is actually fake evidence, then the decision is a verstek decision which has permanent legal standing. So the process of proving that stamp duty has been affixed and paying stamp duty is not in accordance with legal objectives. In this regard, the quality of evidence is the main thing in determining the truth to achieve justice. Based on this background, the problem is first, how the policy formulation of legalizing photocopied evidence in court is related to efforts to find the truth. Second, how is the implementation policy for legalizing photocopied evidence in court related to legal objectives? The method used in this research is normative legal research. Based on the research results, it shows that currently the policy formulation that regulates the quality of evidence in an effort to find the truth creates problems, namely that there are no clear provisions regarding verification of the authenticity of evidence, so that the legal objectives are not achieved. Furthermore, at the level of implementation, the legalization carried out by the judge in the evidentiary agenda does not meet the sociological, philosophical and pragmatic elements. So it is important to carry out legal reforms in an effort to achieve justice.


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