• Teguh Dermawan Lubis Universitas Tadulako
  • Sitti Chaeriah Ahsan Universitas Tadulako
  • Muhammad Rapi Universitas Tadulako


This research was conducted in south palu District, palu city The results of the researcher's observations showed that there were several people at the South Palu District office who complained about documents that could not be collected on the same day because they had not received the subdistrict head's signature. This raises big questions for researchers about the sub-district head's discipline in carrying out his duties. Does the sub-district head rarely come to the office so that people complain? So research on the performance of the sub-district head in South Palu District is relevant and important to carry out and it is hoped that a comprehensive picture of the sub-district head's performance in implementing development programs can be found.This research aims to find out how the sub-district head performs in implementing the development program in South Palu District, Palu City, using performance theory from Suyadi Prawirosentono, with a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection using observation, interviews, documentation and literature techniques. The results of this research show that the performance of the South Palu Subdistrict Head in implementing development programs in his area can run well based on the theory used as a benchmark for the success of this performance, namely effectiveness and efficiency, proven by his ability to provide real contributions in a structured, controlled and supervised manner. well. The authority and responsibility of the South Palu Subdistrict Head can be seen by the achievement of the Subdistrict Strategic Plan in accordance with his authority. Discipline is an aspect that can be seen by coming and leaving the office on time (unless there are urgent matters such as work outside the office), during working hours he is serious about his work and the work can be completed on time. Initiative, demonstrated by innovation and creativity, can be proven by his ability to implement development programs such as launching the Pelangi 2022 service innovation.


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How to Cite
Lubis, T. D., Ahsan, S. C., & Rapi, M. (2024). KINERJA CAMAT DALAM IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM PEMBANGUNAN DI KECAMATAN PALU SELATAN KOTA PALU. Caraka Prabu : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 8(1), 86-98.