The increasingly accelerated development of information and communication technology (ICT) in an effort to streamline services to the community must be carried out up to the village level. Even if the most sophisticated information technology is not operated, the result is that the information system does not run optimally. Research with a qualitative method approach with a research location in Ciburial Village in Bandung Regency. Data collection techniques by means of interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that information and communication technology in public services in the digital era 4.0 in Ciburial Village is trying to be done as much as possible even though it has not been able to have a significant impact on the community and still experiences several obstacles, one of which is the lack of data integration. Cooperation between the local government and village officials is needed to produce a system that is integrated with each other. The current system can be the basis for development in accordance with changes in regulations from old to new regulations.
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