The innovation of online health service providers through Mobile Health is a form of support for the implementation of Telemedicine Health services. One of the applications is the HaloDoc application as a health application under PT Media Dokter Investama (M-health Care) where patients can access health services that were previously convoluted to be more concise while being able to choose to connect with doctors as needed only through gadgets without the need to bother queuing and ease of conducting consultation transactions. By using the research method of literature review and observation and analysed using PESTLE Analysis which is useful for examining the challenges and opportunities that arise in the community as a result of using the Halodoc application. Through PESTLE analysis, the Halodoc application has a great opportunity to become an integrated online service that is increasingly complete, thus, the community is getting smarter in caring for their own health and that of their family. However, in its application, it still needs improvement which is a concern, such as the legal factor that the public's trust in health applications is still low and chooses to do direct services because using health applications makes people less confident in the information and services obtained.
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