The interest groups become a channel for the public to express their opinions or views to the government where public participation in policy making can also be a pressure and cause new problems for policy makers in implementing the policies that are decided. In this regard, this paper discusses how Radical Islamic groups try to influence Indonesia's foreign policy through the Palestinian issue. Next will be discussed using the leadership theory proposed by Margareth which states that leaders become important actors in foreign policy making in their interpretation which is also influenced by domestic politics. Snyder's theory of persuasion of political elites states that political elites use ethnic issues in achieving their political goals. as a pressure group that is used and supports each other with the Jokowi's government opposition party, Gerindra and PKS who have the same ideas about anti-imperialism and foreign colonialism trying to increase their influence by mobilizing the masses in order to achieve seats in government and maintain their position in society by spreading ideas and understanding related to Islamic issues. Therefore, in an effort to reduce domestic political turmoil and maintain leadership and credibility as well as to be more active in foreign politics, Jokowi tries to provide what is desired by the people who fight for these ideas by participating in the Palestinian independence struggle and suppressing opposition groups that trying to reduce leadership in his government that those who have a position and recognition in the government.
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