On 30 August 2021, the War in Afghanistan 2001-2021 ended with the withdrawal of United States Armed Forces from the country. The Doha Agreement, signed by the Trump administration and the Taliban in February 2020 without the participation of the Afghan government, provides for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan in exchange for a Taliban pledge to prevent Al-Qaeda from operating in areas under Taliban control. The future of Afghanistan and the Middle East, as well as United States policy in the region, was significantly affected by the Trump-Taliban peace talks and agreement that took place during the second half of 2020. Whatever the reasons, the United States' decision, both to make room for Afghanistan's future and to reduce the risk of military lives and money in the long run, is controversial. The consequences of digging out of the country, which is considered the responsibility of the United States, will be catastrophic for the position of the United States as a global superpower.
In this research, the author will use the Realism approach, because Realism sees the state as the main actor or sole actor in international relations and global politics. So that a country tends to pursue its national interests by increasing its capacity. In addition, researchers will also use the Foreign Policy Concept. This research produces findings that explain the reasons for the United States withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan, namely the US has the opportunity to move its military budget to other areas or allocate it for more profitable purposes.
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